Call for artists and musicians for Luminata!
In 2024, the Fremont Arts Council is providing several categories of grants for Luminata. Details on each of these are below. This event takes place Saturday September 21st at Green Lake in Seattle. All applications are due by August 5th. Recipients will be notified the following week.
Artist Grants
We invite all artists, aspiring artists, designers, lighting designers, and performers to propose art installations, movable creations, and performances for Luminata!
All categories of art are welcome as long as they feature light in some way. Categories of art that we welcome include but are certainly not limited to puppetry, sculpture, projection mapping, and movement/dance. We are looking for art works that can either float on the water or could be installed on the ground or hanging along the sidewalk of the route.
We also welcome both processional art (i.e., participating in the procession around the lake) and stationary art (the latter is placed at a designated location along the route).
Luminata artist grants generally offer a maximum amount of $1000.
Musician Grants
We invite all musicians to propose performances for Luminata! This year, we will feature musicians both as part of the procession around the lake, and as stationary performers at various points along the route. All genres of music are welcome. A lighted component (such as illuminated costumes or light shows) are not required but are a plus.
Email any audio samples to:
Musician grants generally offer up to $200.
Opening Ceremony Grant
We invite all performers to propose a brief (no more than 15 minutes) opening ceremony concept for Luminata this year. This performance would take place at the beginning of the procession along the waterfront – you are welcome to perform on land and to make use of the lake itself if you like.
Our budget for the selected performance is $500. All themes are welcome; in the past, the opening ceremony has bid farewell to summer and welcomed winter.
Art Transportation Grant
Do you have an existing illuminated art piece that you’d like to show off at Luminata? We’d love to have you! We understand that sometimes the costs around transporting art can be a barrier, so we are offering small grants to cover the transport such as renting a truck, paying for gas, or whatever helps you get here! Email your request to